

Welcome to my blog. A record of my my adventure driving from Anchorage to Patagonia and beyond

Buying my Discovery

Buying my Discovery

Once it was decided that the Discovery was my weapon of choice, I started scouring car listings and researching whether there were any issues as an Australian non-resident buying a car in Canada. Not finding any major impediments, I moved quickly to find and secure my car.

Going to a dealer was the obvious choice over a private sale. I figured they’d know the administrative process better than a private seller and would also be more trustworthy than transferring money to an unknown stranger from the other side of the world.

Also, given I wanted to extensively modify the car before hitting the road, this ended up working in my favour. The dealer I bought the car from was willing to hand over the car to my 4WD specialist who could then take his time to order parts, test the vehicle and make the necessary modifications (a story for another post).

So, here’s the car, with all pics taken from the listing. By the time I arrive in Vancouver, it will look very different with all the works completed. From all early indications, the car is in good condition and will make a great companion for the journey.  

Rethinking North America

Rethinking North America

Choosing my car

Choosing my car